cara mayhugh

What is your name and how do you spell it?

Cara Mayhugh

What course or courses do you teach and what made you want to teach them?

SLC (Specialized Learning Center) ID Unit. That is where my title takes place. I’m and Intervention Specialist inside the ID unit of the Specialized Learning Center. We’ve got a couple different learning centers within the building. And this is an ID unit.

What made you choose an Intervention Specialist as your career?

I’m going into my twelfth year. So, I always knew I wanted to be in special education. I guess the underlying fact would be my own personal experiences.

What has this job taught you?

That there’s more to learn from the students and you can never ask too many questions. I grow more by learning from the students and taking the time to learn who they are. It makes me a better teacher. They teach me I don’t teach the students. It’s always better to stop and listen and to ask questions.

Where did you graduate?

Ohio University

So far, what has been your experience here at Berlin?

Exciting, new challenges and building great relationships with staff and students

What has been your favorite part about this school year so far?

Learning the students and working together with my team members.

8. What legacy do you hope to leave here at Berlin?

How students remember me as someone they can trust, is fun, and can look back on positive experiences.

9. Where did you grow up and can you tell me about your family?

Circleville, Ohio. We like to meet at Grandma’s on Sundays.

10. What do you like to do in your free time?

Spin class, golf courses, and seeking adventures with family and friends.

Tell me a fun/ interesting fact about you.

I have a chinchilla. I called her Chinchilla because it’s the only thing she would answer to. I’ll walk in and yell, “Chinchilla” and then she jumps up and down and gets really excited.

12. How long have you been an intervention specialist?
12 years.