Two-hour delays outshines snow days

Photo Courtesy of Unsplash

Photo Courtesy of Unsplash

Rachel Bjorkman

   When the ice and snow hits, students hope for a snow day and a cancellation of the entire eight hours of school, but snow days aren’t the best option. Two-hour delays are better. 

   Snow days allow for an extra day to rest. An alarm that wakes you up at four in the morning, but doesn’t seem to matter from the surprise and joy that allows you to sleep in. Two-hour delays only create anticipation for the snow day. To some, a two-hour delay is just lost sleep and wasted hope.

   However, to me, it’s the much preferred option to a snow day. You might think I’m crazy and I don’t blame you, but as a student and someone with way too many things to organize —well more like attempt to— a two-hour delay sets up my day perfectly.

   Due to the common tendencies of students to sleep in, snow days tend to disrupt the student’s sleep schedule. Actually, let me correct that. It obliterates it. Contrary to popular belief, more sleep doesn’t necessarily equal a healthy night of sleep. Yes, a good amount of sleep can benefit you significantly, but consistency is the most important and of course, good timing. A night schedule of homework and then the next day spent asleep because of a snow day is not a good option  even without the homework. A balanced repetitive sleep schedule is the best. 

   Two-hour delays allow the extra sleep, but also promote a healthy time to wake up. Those who support a later start-time can also get an experience of how it would work. More time to get ready, wake up, and for the love of God, have breakfast like an actual meal with your family. The morning is more relaxed, yet not wasted time to sleep in on a school day. Not the extreme of five am mornings, but not 11a.m. either.

   The setup of a two-hour delay also allows the stress of a snow day to decompose. Students are not a day behind, but right on track. Time may be pressed, but not nearly as much as a snow day will have on the preparation of a test or comprehension of a subject. Stress created by lost hours and crammed essays can still be completed. Sometimes, school hours seem to be hours on end that depletes people’s focus. The two-hour delay schedule instead encourages productivity.

   Two-delays don’t lose a day, but make a better one.