Crumbl Cookies kick off week with tasteful lineup; Week of January 9-14

Photo by Nina Krupar ’23
January 20, 2023
As Crumbl continues to be the craze, they stride into 2023 with a perfectly cultivated lineup. This week they feature Confetti Cake, Peanut Butter Cup ft. Reese’s, Lemon Cheesecake, Rocky Road, along with regulars which include Pink Sugar and Milk Chocolate Chip. This list combines a strategic combination of chocolaty, fruit-filled, and even a salty-sweet crunch. Each cookie will be rated out of 5 stars.
Confetti Cake: This cookie was described as a fluffy sugar cookie with vanilla cream cheese. The icing on this cookie tastes more like an imitation birthday cake flavor over cream cheese. While it proved to be a decent combination when on top of the cookie, it alone was way too strong. The cookie had a very prominent pink color and was decorated with several different color sprinkles which made it appealing to the eyes. Due to the excessive flavor of the icing this cookie receives a 3.5/5.
Peanut Butter Cup ft. Reese’s: This was described as a classic peanut butter cookie swirled with peanut butter and chopped Reese’s cups. I was definitely impressed with the cookie as a whole. The combination of the peanut butter-based cookie and the crunch of sweetness on the top really bought the cookie together well. I do think they could have added a bit more of the sprinkled peanut butter cups to balance out the peanut butter. Overall this cookie was wonderful and ranks a 4.5/5.
Lemon Cheesecake: This cookie was described as a graham cracker cookie topped with a creamy lemon cheesecake topping. This cookie hit the mark with its graham cracker base. It had a wonderful density in the cookie part itself and perfected the flavor but unfortunately did not produce a cheesecake-type flavor. The lemon was definitely prominent and added to the tastiness. This cookie comes in at 3/5.
Rocky Road: This flavor was described as a chocolate cookie stuffed with marshmallow filling and then covered in semi-sweet chocolate and almonds. This cookie got the job done. The combination of flavors and textures is unmatched by anything else on this lineup. Although I wish it had a little more marshmallow filling, the cookie didn’t overdo with the use of the almonds and chocolate. The cookie base was nice and moist and had the right consistency needed for this type of chocolate cookie. I would give this cookie a 4.5/5.
Pink Sugar: This cookie is a regular among the lineup of six but it has an incredible impact. This cookie is one of the chilled ones and that adds to the depth of this flavor. It pulls together the perfect almond taste while also being in combination with smooth and sweet icing. This cookie is a staple to the menu and genuinely has no flaws at all. It is basic but is always a good dependable bite. Due to this, it ranks a 5/5.
Chocolate Chip: This cookie is another of the continuous cookies produced each week. It falls short of Pink sugar but is definitely close. The chocolate chips throughout the cookie are the perfect size to provide that burst of sweetness in each bite. It is a very minimal cookie but the nice soft flavor and favorable chocolate make this another one of the reliable bites. This cookie gets a 4.5/5.