Near death experience brings nation together

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January 12, 2023
Many thoughts and prayers from around the country went out to Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin after he collapsed on Monday, Jan. 2. Hamlin, a second-year rookie, suffered cardiac arrest after he tackled Cincinnati Bengals player Tee Higgins.
Hamlin made the tackle and got up, but seconds later he collapsed on the field. Bills athletic trainers immediately rushed to Hamlin. Denny Kelligton, Buffalo’s assistant athletic trainer noticed Hamlin had no pulse so he started CPR. After many minutes went by Hamlin was then taken to UC medical center by ambulance. The NFL later postponed the game between the Bills and the Bengals.
Hamlin was put into the ICU and was in critical condition. On Tuesday morning, Hamlin’s vitals returned to normal but he was still sedated to undergo further testing and treatment. On Jan. 5 the NFL community got the news that Hamlin had shown remarkable improvement and that he appears to be neurologically intact.
With those remarkable improvements, Hamlin was able to communicate through writing and the first thing Hamlin asked was, “Who won the game?” “You won Damar. You’ve won the game of life.” the doctors at UC said
On Jan.9 Hamlin was released from UC medical center and flew back to Buffalo where he was taken to Buffalo General Medical Center. He is in stable condition and will be there to continue to be monitored and get treatment until he is back to full health.
Hamiln was discharged from Buffalo General Medical Center on Jan.11 and was able to go home to continue his recovery process.