At Berlin, we hold to numerous foundational values, including positivity, inclusion, school spirit, and standing “shoulder to shoulder.”
Our founding values thrive when the entire Berlin community actively participates. It is through this participation, and only this, that Berlin Pride flourishes.
Just two years ago, our high school was awarded the title of “America’s Most Spirited High School.” Berlin was awarded that title because of students and staff who built up the culture and made Berlin the special place it is.
As former principal Mr. Spinner would say, and Mr. Jagger would reiterate, it is the students who have made Berlin the place it is. The staff came with a vision, but the students are the ones who carried it out.
If at any point students begin to not actively participate in the Berlin community, there is a chance that school spirit will decline. However, as seen with the amazing school spirit present at Berlin, if the students do actively participate in the school community, then Berlin pride thrives.
Actively participating in the Berlin community means so much more than just being in a club or on a sports team; active participation means supporting your fellow Bears, going to sporting events, volunteering to help out when needed, and, yes, being involved in a sport or club.
Whether it be DoubleBlue Friday’s, pep rallies, football Friday night, or supporting each other at events, all are essential to maintaining the DoubleBlue spirit. All are essential in order to keep Berlin the special place it is.
It might seem small throwing on a Berlin shirt every Friday, or going to a club meeting after school, but it’s not. Actively participating in the Berlin community, whether it be through small or big things, is why Berlin pride excels. Without it, Berlin would not be the place it is.
Our Bear Belief Statement lays out a vision of the student body standing shoulder to shoulder and treating each other with respect while always representing the DoubleBlue in a positive way. Throughout our school’s history, students have embraced that vision and carried it out daily.
To keep Berlin the place it is, students must continue that mission and carry out that vision we were founded on. By standing shoulder to shoulder, wearing DoubleBlue every Friday, and supporting and cheering on our fellow Bears, we can do it.
Don’t let up, and, remember, Berlin pride… it’s forever.