Debate: Galentine’s vs Valentine’s Day

Photo Courtesy: Unsplash

Photo Courtesy: Unsplash

Nina Krupar

   As Valentine’s Day makes its annual appearance, the question of plans between friends or a significant other is found to be the biggest ordeal among teenagers. 

   In recent years, the theme of “Galentine’s Day” has surged to be incredibly popular, especially with adolescent girls. This event is important because it helps to teach young females that they don’t necessarily have to have a date on Feb. 14 to enjoy the Hallmark holiday. Galentine’s can vary from being a night out on the town to a fun night filled with movies, pictures, and more. This can be just as fun as a romantic night out if not much more fun. There are no expectations set and it can be a time to just simply hang out with people who show you love in more of a platonic way which is always essential to take in. 

  While Galentine’s can be a wonderful time for a group of friends, a date night is never looked down upon. If you have a romantic connection, it is special to spend time with that person, especially on Valentine’s Day. 

   There can be a debate centered around what is important when it comes to your Valentine’s Day plans. While some opt to spend time with just friends and family, others are hardcore romantics when it comes to this day. 

     I think it is essential to find a middle ground for the important people in your life. The balance of love from non-romantic connections is fundamental to learn during adolescence. It teaches teenagers that there can be more to this type of holiday than the glorified romantics often required of this day. While this type of connection is crucial, a romantic relationship is also something that can help adolescents learn and grow with someone beside them. It is easy to see that the time around Valentine’s day should always highlight the people in your life that make you feel appreciated. 

  It is special to not only feel cared for by those around you through this time but, it is also key to make sure that you are also taking the chance to show your appreciation for those near to you. That’s why this balance between romantic and non-romantic connections is shown not only through Valentine’s day but all year round.