Ticketmaster goes up in flames

Photo Courtesy of Flickr
January 31, 2023
In the Nov. presale for Taylor Swift’s “Eras Tour,” Ticketmaster was forced to halt purchases for her shows, “extraordinarily high demands” and “insufficient remaining ticket inventory” is to blame.
According to CNN Business, when tickets for Swift’s tour went on sale, heavy demand snarled the ticketing site, fans who couldn’t snag tickets became infuriated. Unable to resolve the problems, Ticketmaster subsequently canceled Swift’s concert ticket sales to the general public.
In a hearing in which members of the Judiciary Committee from both parties cast Live Nation Entertainment, the concert giant that owns Ticketmaster as a monopoly, senators questioned Live Nation president and CFO Joe Berchtold and other witnesses on whether the company was too dominant in the industry.
“I want to congratulate and thank you for an absolutely stunning achievement,” Senator Richard Blumenthal said. “You have brought together Republicans and Democrats in an absolutely unified cause.”
The hearing sprung a few Swifties within the Judiciary Committee, as Swift’s lyrics were thrown around in the room. According to The New York Times, the lyrics were an unsubtle play for virality from politicians who are increasingly aware that use of a meme can also help get a message across.
“I believe in capitalism, and to have a strong capitalist system, you have to have competition,” Senator Amy Klobuchar said. “You can’t have too much consolidation. Something that, unfortunately for this country, as an ode to Taylor Swift, we know ‘all too well.’”
“Ticketmaster had the temerity to imply that the debacle involved in pre-ticket sales was Taylor Swift’s fault because she was failing to do too many concerts,” Senator Richard Blumenthal said. “May I suggest respectfully that Ticketmaster ought to look in the mirror and say, ‘I’m the problem, it’s me.’”
As the tour’s opening day quickly approaches, some Swifties are able to get tickets. Sales by independent parties are popular, and tickets sell for no short of $1,000. In the future, we do not know exactly what will happen to Ticketmaster or what future sales will look like.